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Sam D. Mann http://reviewed-by-samdman.com

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Are Keywords Important To Helping You Make Money Online Fast

There are TWO sorts of people who should most definitely NOT look at this extraordinary, money-making video.

The first type of person is the whiner... the sort who moans about how everybody else is taking in money and not him/her.

That person is going to be very upset when he sees what this guy is revealing, because it is so drop-dead easy and effective that they will no longer have anything to complain about.

The 2nd sort of person who ought NOT view this video is the "excuse maker". I'm sure you've heard of them before. They are the people that looks at the gurus and gives all the reasons why they're making money and they're not.

This video will definitely dispel all excuses from their "chatter box". Because the structure is SO uncomplicated, and so fool-proof, that they cannot help but make money if they simply attempt it.

Honestly, you and I are certainly not moaners nor excuse makers. That's the reason I get wound up to show you these things:

Yeah... Making Money Online Fast is something you can start doing right this minute.

Let's make 2009 turn out successfull for us ok?

That's it for now. Think Lucky - Be Lucky This is your Lucky Day... Go check this out right this minute.!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a great article for you to read. Submitted by one of our many Guest Authors...


Why Are Keywords Important To Article Writing As An Affiliate Marketer

by Ron Cripps

Keyword density and position are important parts of optimizing your written articles for search engines. You need to know just where to place the keywords in the written article so that when the search engine spiders skim your site they see the keywords.

Do You Really Know What A Keyword Is?

A keyword is a word or phrase that is going to be placed in your article various times, not just once as that would make every word a keyword. When a spider sees that you have a word located several times in an written article, it will decide that your page may be useful to people that search for such a keyword.

Are You Certain That You Are Not Over Optimizing Your Keywords In Your Articles

When you use a keyword too frequently in your written article it is deemed as "keyword stuffing" and that is a negative matter. Keyword stuffing tells the spiders that you are trying to trick them into giving a tighter ranking and then what they will do is penalize your web site and web page for doing that. The ratings of your other pages can be affected by stuffing and you can wind up with a site that is blacklisted by the search engines.

How Can I Work Out The Keyword Density Of My Articles?

Keyword density is calculated on the number of occasions that you position the keyword in your written article. The majority of individuals will come up with a percentage to help guide them on how many occasions they will use a keyword in their written article. For example, if you have a five hundred word article and want to achieve a keyword density of 5%, then you will want to have the keyword in your written article exactly 25 times.

Many guidebooks have been produced that will offer you their theory on what the ideal keyword density is. Still, in the end you will have to determine which density is more lucrative for your articles. Webmasters like to control their own density so that they can reach the results they need. As long as you don't over optimize and you are establishing sufficient profit from your rankings, then you can choose whatever keyword density you like.

The Proper Density

Irrespective what precise density you select, it is important to place keywords so that there are more at the beginning and end to produce an hour glass outcome. Keyword density is essential so that your written article rises in the rankings and yields the amount of money you are searching for.

About the Author:


Hi, it's Sam D. Mann here.

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Quick Note 1.
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Quick Note 2.
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Quick Note 3.
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