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The Cash Code - internet marketing products reviewed

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Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!!

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Sam D. Mann http://reviewed-by-samdman.com

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mistakes to Avoid If You Want To Make Money Online Fast

You May Be Earning Some Money Online Already, But Who Doesn't Want More?
Using These Secrets Will Take You Beyond Your Current Highest Earning Point.

For Some People, The Result Is Always The Same.... Failure! You feel great about owning an awesome product and learning something useful. But you never find the time to implement it. Somewhere between your day job and your family life, you realize that you can't afford to put in the long hours of hard work required by most of these techniques. And you give up. You become a part of the 95% that fail to make any money online.

So How Do The Other 5% Succeed....
In a nutshell - they work smart! They know quick, easy and zero/low cost ways to make money online. Techniques that can be implemented in under 30 minutes. And yet earn them massive sums of money every day. These are techniques that no one talks about. Everyone guards them like a precious treasure.

This group of people know that, in Internet Marketing, earnings do not depend on how many hours of work you put in. They know that it's not about hard work, but all about smart thinking...

I heard there are studies that have revealed a person's wages is likely to be approximately that of their ten best friends?

Really... Do you believe that? Then again, it makes you think, doesn't it!

Let me take you back a bit in a time frame of my lifespan...

My early days in the British Army were rough and tough - until I learned that I could pick up great tips and tricks from my "superiors in rank" if I chose to hang out with them! Tips and tricks which I consider were helpful in my climb up the promotion ladder. And this reminded me of the saying "Birds of a feather flock together"!

A few of my fellow "Privates" called this kind of "hanging out with superior officers" - "plain arse-licking!"... They by and large snubbed their noses at anyone doing that kind of thing.

But guess what? Soon after I started to take action on those tips and tricks that I'd picked up - I got promoted. And it was not long after that I was on track moving up the ladder.

Now, I do not like to show off... (it is just not my style), however things improved a LOT for me over the subsequent years as I climbed up the ladder.

I had enough money to eat at some of the best restaurants, see the latest movies, enjoy great rock concerts... etc.. Yeah my wages increased noticeably with every step up the promotion ladder.

So what's the point I'm trying to make?

My early friends in the army, that hung out only with their friends of like rank hardly ever got promoted and definitely didn't make it to the top of the pile! So, they were all enjoying about the same level of pay, whereas mine increased to approximate that of those I chose to hang out with.

So, while my income went up, did I change friends?

Yes. I began "mentoring" soldiers of lower rank that wanted to improve themselves by learning from another soldier that had "made it" up the ladder.

And I managed to assist them improve their incomes and lifestyles for the better.

Some earned a LOT more, some made a little more and some earned less than I did... The essential thing to note is this:

If you plan to expand an important area of your life or personality etc., then settle on a person or business template that is doing well in the area you want to do well in.

The only (but most important) thing left to do is for you to take action on all the stuff you studied from the person or business template.

Be Warned... The 2 greatest causes of failure to make money online fast are:
1. Not taking action
2. Information overload

ONE thing I have learnt is:
Greater achievement is to be had from duplicating a successful person, NOT by trying to be a rocket scientist inventing the new wheel.

To put the "copying bit" it in a nutshell... Follow all given advice "to the letter".

On the subject of financial freedom, one of the programs that I have successfully used to make money online fast is copyNprofit. And yes, I'm using it right now!

Not only does copyNprofit provide the user with a well drawn road map, it even does most of the work for them. And you could be learning about how to put it to use and start making money online fast minutes from now.

So why am I pushing copyNprofit?

1It works
2. Just like in my army days, having climbed the ladder, it's now my turn to pass on the useful tips and tricks for climbing up the ladder, to those who are seeking to do better for themselves.

You see, once someone gives you a helping hand to start generating profits on autopilot, you will want to do the same for every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary that crosses your path.

Your Key to Internet Riches is Helping Others Stake Their Claim

Yeah, of course there are a million-and-one products onlne offering to help you make money online fast. Many are genuine and some are out-and-out scams that help you lose your money fast. So how would you realize which successful program to choose?

The simple response is: Do a research on the person that is promoting the product or service.

Check on their names. Check out their website that is marketing the product. Check to see how well their website ranks in the search engines. And lastly check to see how well-liked the product or service is with buyers. Check on the legality of any stated "Guarantees". (Note you'd absolutely have your funds handed back to you if the product is sold via ClickBank.)

Buy the product only when you're satisfied on all counts AND you're emotionally equipped to TAKE ACTION on ALL that you be taught from the course, ebook, DVD, software - whatever it is that you will be learning from. Be Ready to TAKE ACTION.

OK. After you stat to make money online fast, what will you do?

Exactly what will be your legacy in this world? Are you seeking to just make money online fast by treading on any and everyone's toes while on your way to achieving that aspiration of making money online fast?

Or, will you take a stand like an "upright" human being and deal ethically in all that you do with your clients?

And will you be ready to freely hand on the tips, tricks, shortcuts, knowledge etc., to those new in the business. If so, how many people will you help?

My final note...
3% of people have a net worth of $1 Million or more the other 97% work to make them even richer! Tired of hanging around with the 97%? Being a 3%'er is simply a CHOICE... Click here go Copy N Profit To your heart's Desire >>>

OK, I am nearly finished. You're in all probability wondering who the heck I am.

Well, highlight and copy the following phrases in quotation marks (including the ") Then do a Google search on:"Sam D. Mann" "reviewed by Sam D. Mann" "affiliate marketing strategies tips and tools"

After you've done that, you probably will know more about me than I know about myself. LOL.

The End of Your Quest To Find "The Secret" that will help you make money online fast...
Click here to go Copy N Profit To your heart's Desire >>>

That's all for the time being. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

P.S. I want you to make a promise to yourself, not me...
Make a promise to change your life today and I will guarantee that you will be nothing but pleased with the results.

Now then, here's a great post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...

Mistakes to Avoid during Business Website Design

by Tom Andrews

Your Business website design shoudl bring in profits and leads if designed and marketed professionally. A poorly designed and marketed site will have the opposite effect and bring you little to zero website traffic and visitors. Below we discuss the biggest design mistakes you should avoid.

1. Use of poor title tags. When a website is built, you must use appropriate title tags to describe the page. You should also include some of the target keywords that people might search for This also allows search engines to index and crawl the pages more easily.

2. Filling your webpages with Ads. Don't squeeze lots of ads and banners on your pages. Doing this will not only distract potential buyers, but also make them click the back button quickly and leave your site asap. If you do use ads, keep them to a minimum.

3. Don't use a confusing website navgiation on your site. Websites usually have navigation links on the left or top of the page as simple text links. Don't make it difficult for your website visitors to get around the website with fly-out menus and things that are different other websites; remember, you visitor is used to getting around a website in a certain way - don't make it difficult for them.

4. Pages with dead links. It can be very frustrating when you click a webpage link and it doesn't work. Make sure you check that all your links are working and point to the right place. Remember that having dead links on a page can get you penalised in the search engines.

5. Don't use Macromedia Flash on your pages unless impossible. Flash does have a place on websites, but is mainly found in gaming or interactive sites where this cannot be done a different way. Consider using animated GIF's for moving images instead, as most people can view these in a web browser. Another consideration is you could try using javascript or java which is more supported that flash. Flash can take too long and by the time it has, your visitor has left your website.

6. Lack of a Search Box on your website. For a website with many pages, it is extremely important to allow users to search the site without having to find pages by going through every link.

7. Using PDF file links on the website. Using PDF files can good in the case of putting your glossy company brochure online, but it is better to ideally put the pages in HTML web format. More people will see the information then, as if site visitors don't have Adobe Reader installed, they will have to install it. In our experience, people usually click away instead of trying to download it. Keep the use of PDF's to a minimum.

8.Web links already clicked do not change colour. Most people surfing the Internet get used to a link changing colour once they have already clicked it. Make sure you keep clicked link colours familiar to visitors, and make sure the links change colour once they have already been clicked.

9. Text formatting that is messy. Lay the text out on your website neatly and clearly. Use formatted paragraphs and pictures to break the text up and make it easy on the eye.

10. Don't use very small fonts. The use of small fonts can put a strain on the eyes of anyone, but more so people with impaired vision. Remember also that blind people now read web pages with screen readers. Make sure your website is W3C compliant so that the latest screen reading technology can 'read' them.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Quick Tip Of The Day - Getting A Good Flow Of FREE Traffic To Your Website
If it is FREE traffic you wish for, then use this proprietary method. Nothing else comes close... Get Viral Traffic Dominator Now - for FREE

SEO Tip Of The Day.
Think about entry points to your website. How do people end up at your website, and how much revenue do they generate? How do the sales of a product on-site compare with consumer exposure to ads? Display advertising reinforces the brand and should never be considered a waste of money, even if people don’t click.

My thoughts for today...
The truth is... Most Internet marketing failures happen because folks don't know what they're doing.

A great web site for you to check out and read some great articles on...
Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools

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