After all the struggles, your site in now up there for every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary to see. Your work of art is presenting your product that is the greatest thing since sliced bread To say you have a great sales page could be an understatement. All the links work, and it looks great on every browser. Every day you look in at your ClickBank account... but no sales! Why? Because no one realises that you are there!
What's your next move my friend?
You must generate traffic...what I'm saying is, you must get online visitors beating a path to your web page. They must pay a visit to your site before they will ever have the opportunity to purchase from you.
There are many practical ways of traffic generation, but each of them has to be handled correctly to be profitable.
One high quality traffic source is that of search engine referrals. For eg , if your web page positions in the top 10 or 20 sites for a specific search term, and the visitor clicks on your web page after digging for a exact keyword or turn of phrase in a search engine.
Next to said targeted sources of traffic, are a lot of sources where untargeted traffic can be found. These embrace exit traffic, pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirected traffic. Without going into particulars on the assorted sources of these forms of traffic, it's enough to say this is generally untargeted traffic. It should be noted here that, it is generally both low-cost and is associated with a very low response rate. Untargeted sources of traffic perhaps may be better handled by using a "landing page" which may arouse an initial interest in you, or your product, or web site. This Landing Page then intices the visitor to click thru to your website.
Having (ranted on about targeted traffic|said all of that|probably bored you to death about targeted traffic}, Here's a secret tactic waitng for you. It's FREE, so don't dilly dally, go right over there and get it...
The author of this article? Highlight and copy the following (include the quotation marks) "Sam D. Mann" Do a Google search. Click on the #1 result and you'll find your FREE Targeted Traffic System waiting for you.
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