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The Cash Code   Make Money Online In 2 Hours
The Cash Code - internet marketing products reviewed

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Making Money Online Starts With
A Proven System
Michael Jones Hands It To You

Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!!

...in 2 hours from now you can have a cash generating business set up which needs almost no ongoing work.

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...you can have an inbox FULL of messages like this:
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2 hours from now...

Check the *SHOCKING* video now!

Sam D. Mann http://reviewed-by-samdman.com

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is Email Marketing The Right Tool To Make Money Online Fast?

When it comes to building a successful business, more information IS NOT ALWAYS better - and despite how some gurus pack their big box courses with every single piece of content they’ve ever put out to "add value", you and I both know very few people ever actually get around to absorbing or using it all. This boils down to the inevitable "INFORMATION OVERLOAD" meaning, it’s too much and it does a HUGE dis-service to you, their customers!

One of the problems that many of my colleagues have, is the time it generally takes for web 2.0 campaigns to be concluded.

The big problem is this: There are just so many hours in the day. Going through the procedure of creating accounts, confirming emails, entering captcha codes, uploading content, submitting to rss feeds... ALL OF THIS TAKES TIME!! And a lot of it!

We all know that "repeating the process for every keyword is our ticket to success", but thattakes A HECK OF A LOT OF TIME. Won't it be really nice if there was a device you could possibly use that possibly can do ALL of it for you? Well... There is!!

I've been running through a product called SEnuke for the past couple of months and it is (quite frankly) unbelievable!!

Here are some of the things it does:-

1. Creates Gmail accounts routinely.

2. Registers new accounts at web 2.0 sites automatically.

3. Verifies emails from all sites automatically.

4. Will upload your content automatically.

5. Submits to rss feeds routinely.

6. Uploads videos routinely.

7. Will bookmark your content robotically.

...And what could possibly it's best feature? It enters ALL captcha codes for you!

So you can simply click "Create accounts" and walk away and come back later on and the job's been completed for you. Incredible!

Same easy, no-effort thing when you click the "upload content" button... and again when you click the "bookmark it all" button. And no surprises again when you click the "upload video" button.

...And Guess What? Yep, you guessed right... same deal when you click the "submit rss feeds" button.

Hey, my friend just go back and read that list for a second time and let it gradually sink in. Are you rolling your eyes in disbelief? I won't blame you but I have been using it for a while now and can tell you EVERYTHING THE CREATORS CLAIM IS SPOT ON!

OK, Sam D. Mann, how about some Negatives...

Well let us see, It does not write your content for you... And it doesn't bring toasted sandwiches with your coffee!!

Just jesting about the sandwiches.. but as you can see, it's not perfect. Heck, I would never advise using machine generated content anyway. But it does just about everything else!

Generally speaking, I can get a complete campaign for one keyword done in around one hour or so from start to finish!

I'm telling you, once you know how to use SEnuke, you too will be in a position to do it just as fast. Can you see in your mind's eye how much more productive you will be?

Instead of getting "one keyword campaign" done per day, you could possibly get 7-8 done. Your competitors possibly do not know about this tool, and it would be wise of you not to tell them!!

Just nip across here to register and start using it for yourself. Take the plunge and GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!

Please realise: Using this tool will definitely blow away your competitors and advance your bottom line like no other tool will.

A few little ideas for you when using SEnuke (this probably won't make any sense until you have signed up and watched their training videos).
Ensure you spin the domain, titles, and usernames.
Try repeating a campaign on alternate days for the same keyword. This will strengthen your rankings further.
Spin anchor text and destination urls as well.
Don't use the same anchor text and destination URL.
This is all really straightforward to do. As I said above, this may only make sense after you sign up for your FREE 7-day trial and begin USING it.

Now, why on earth are you still reading this, STOP... GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!

Before you dart off, I have some IMPORTANT TIPS for you...
1. Register for the PRO version because the Lite edition is almost worthless and is not worth the money (sorry but I have to be candid here).
2. Look right through the "upsells" and just take the 7 day trial.
3. As soon as you have signed up, GET TO WORK, and make the most out of your trial.

Don't miss this tip... Here's a valuable tool will not cost you a penny to put to the test for yourself. You'll want to stay on after the trial because of the power this tool affords. There is even an option to "vote" on features you fancy in the software. One of the current votes is for automatic 3 waylinks. Interesting... Which means you can help form the long term course of the software.

GO SIGN UP NOW for your FREE 7-DAY trial of SEnuke!

Go here to read my full review of SEnuke

That's it for now. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a brilliant post for you to read. Penned by one of my many Guest Authors...

Email Marketing For Businesses

by Pri Anish Vag

Email advertising is a tool that is highly undervalued and underused by internet retailers. It is a tool that can also be used by traditional retailers but hardly ever is. The main advantage with this form of marketing and advertising is that it is free.

It is also a medium that can put products and services straight in front of your potential customers. It can also be tailored to individual customers' needs and also provide a direct link to a website that sells the products or services.

It has been proven that most customers do not buy a product or service upon the first contact with the seller. Indeed it can take on average 8-10 contacts before a customer buys. Given this, the retailer of goods and services that can maintain contact over a long period of time will be the retailer that is upper most in the customer's mind at the point at which they are ready to buy. However, the trick is to keep in the customer's mind without boring them.

Therefore the contacts that are made must be something of interest to the customer. For example, the wine packaging retailer www.Wine-Bag.co.uk who sells gift packaging for wine is offering a service by which customers can log onto the website and sign up for a series of gift wrapping tutorials.

These tutorials show how ribbons and bows sold by the retailer can be combined with boxes and bags, also sold by the retailer, to enhance gifts and turn otherwise bland products into an attractive gift using easy and quick gift wrapping techniques.

Not only is it essential that the email contact is something of interest but it is also important that there also be an element of the promotion that is also free. Because let's face it, everybody loves a freebee! In the example described, the emails feature a link to a video that provides free knowledge about how to put together attractive, elegant, yet simple to implement gift packaging.

About the Author:


Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

Nothing beats being in a position to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based mostly on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and each one of the other search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Each of the steps listed heretofore is vitally important to doing well on-line and will ultimately determine how much money you'll make. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms must be the starting purpose of your business.

Know this: People which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up frustrated and not earning any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points leads to the down fall of numerous would-be successful Net marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
How can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?

SEO Tip Of The Day.
Your goal with your blog is to rank well for your main terms and funnel your customers into your website. This means no adsense and no affiliate links for your main blogs.

My thoughts for today...
**A nice quote ** Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. Confucius

Here's a great web page for you to visit and browse through some of the best articles on...
How To Make Money Online Fast

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